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News & Events

Join CJI on October 4th!

It's almost that time of the year! Community Justice Inc.'s 13th Annual Fundraiser will be held on October 4th at Old Sugar Distillery --...

Making Headlines on Algorithms Abroad

CJI is proud to announce that one of our attorneys, Michael Rosenberg, was recently featured in a German radio documentary on algorithms...

CJI in the News...Again!

It's been a busy start to the new year at Community Justice, Inc! Check out some of our work being featured in the news recently:...

Check us out in the news!

CJI is making headlines! From NBC 15: "Madison law firm provides much-needed legal help for low-income clients" View the full article...

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**Disclaimer:  The information on this website is not a substitute for personal legal advice. Contacting CJI does not create an attorney-client relationship, unless you are accepted as a client of the firm. Prior to establishing an attorney-client relationship, we would need to discuss your specific legal situation with you, complete a conflict check, and discuss and agree upon the terms of legal representation.

**Descargo de responsabilidad: La información contenida en este sitio web no sustituye el asesoramiento legal personal. La comunicación con CJI por este sitio web no crea una relación abogado-cliente, a menos que usted sea aceptado como cliente de la firma. Antes de establecer una relación abogado-cliente, necesitamos discutir su situación legal específica con usted, completar una verificación de conflicto y discutir y acordar los términos de la representación legal.

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